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Youth Camp 2016

Youth Camp 2016 is an amazing week of fun, friends, and connecting with Jesus through powerful services and small groups. Some of the activities throughout the week include pool time, gaga pit, the mud pit, group games, and more. Our church will be attending Week 2 of PennDel Youth Camp with Speaker Mike Holt and worship with Chosen. Register today by clicking here.

When: June 27-July 1
Where: Bongiorno Conference Center

Register by June 5th for the Early Bird Rate – $225
Register by June 19th for the Regular Rate – $260

Walk This Way Title

Bullies, popularity, temptation, decisions, success, and failure are all things every middle school students walk through. Over the next five weeks, we will be tackling the big topics. Join us Sundays at 11am for large group and Wednesdays at 7pm for Tribe small groups.

Week 1 – Going with the Crowd

Week 2 – Bullied

Week 3 – The Successful Life and The Epic Failure

Week 4 – Temptation Island

Week 5 – Decisions, Decisions, Decisions


Middle school students spend on average 7 hours in front of a screen. We want to do as much as we can to get scripture into the lives of our students, so we have launched Fusion Wallpapers. We will be producing device wallpapers monthly with scripture and encouraging messages. These are sized for the iPhone 6s dimensions, but can be used with any phone screen. Click on any image to download to your device.